Yesterday the results of the 2020 election were released. Regardless of your political affiliation, there is relief that this election is over. I feel as if a great dark cloud has lifted and look forward to brighter days ahead. Our emotional environment is critical to our ability to be creative. For the past few months things have been tough, a result of Covid-19 and exacerbated by the national conversation. We have gotten through one of the hurdles, now we need to focus on the other.
Sunrise over Manti La-Sal, 2012
The morning I captured this sunrise, Dorian and I were on our way to Goblin Valley State Park in Utah. We were late for the sunrise at the park, and as we drove down the road the sun began to make an appearance. We decided to stop and watch. I quickly set up, and knew that this was going to be a good one. Everything was over within 10 minutes, and the day continued on, but being witness to this moment left a permanent impression on that day, just like yesterday, November 7, when the Presidential announcement was made.