Along Ft. George Island Rd.
A favorite scenic drive is the loop to the Kingsley Plantation on Ft. George Island. Live oaks and magnolias grace this dirt road, and a trail takes you deeper into the forest. I usually wait for an overcast day, but today I arrived late (around noon) and was willing to take anything that was available. The morning was totally cloudy but as I crossed the Dames Point Bridge the sun started to break through. We’ve heard this story before! But always press on, because we never know what the light will be like until we get there.
I stopped when the pavement ended and got out to start the party. The light was good, and I sprayed myself down and got things ready. I saw between the canopy some blue sky and the sun darted in and out between the clouds. I’m actually good with these conditions as it brings variety to the scene, as long as there are periods of shade.
I then proceeded to the trailhead and walked south a few hundred yards. Yesterday I got a flu shot and was not feeling like taking a big hike, so after a few images I decided to pack it in. Overall I was pleased with the trip and upon looking at my archive of images I was surprised that the last time I was shooting here was in February of 2012, a long time ago.
My feelings today
Meaning in a branch