Sorry, the links in this post no longer work. Please contact the studio for information about prints and posters.
MOCA group shot
Information about the group photo download and for purchasing the exhibition poster and prints is provided on a sheet in your artist goodie bag that you received at the opening. In case you lost it or did not pick up your goodies yet, here is a downloadable copy: IS Poster and Print Info The group photo can be downloaded here. I also included some other shots that may be of interest. You can download off the site and the file should have sufficient resolution to produce a 5x7 print. If you need anything bigger let me know.
12x36 Imagination Squared poster
The 12x36 poster pictured above contains 900 squares. I'm really sorry if your square was not included but we got everyone who turned theirs in on time :). If you really, really want a poster with your square, I'll do a custom one for you...just email me and I'll see what I can do.
Imagination Squared Poster 1
Imagination Squared Poster 3
Imagination Squared Poster 2
Imagination Squared Poster 4
Each of the 4 - 24x24 prints contains 225 squares. These are printed on Enhanced Matte paper on my Epson 9900 and show the detail of each square. If you want to know which of the four posters contains your square, look on the back of your nametag for the number, or email me with your name and I will let you know. These are fine art prints and are produced to archival standards, so they will last years. We've also arranged to have posters and prints matted and framed by R. Roberts Gallery in Avondale for an extraordinary price. Details can be found on the downloadable info sheet mentioned above.