Our annual trip to California came early this year. Usually we arrive in August. I don't have a good track record with the CA weather. While I hear that summers are typically cloudy and foggy, I've had no such luck. Bright sun and clear skies followed us all week as we covered San Francisco, Oakland, Monterrey, and Big Sur. I surrendered when we were at Point Lobos and Big Sur and decided to just enjoy myself without expecting to get any worthwhile images, which is exactly what happened. That's life, sometimes the weather cooperates and sometimes it doesn't.
Jackson and Grant - Chinatown, San Francisco
We managed to stop at some coastal towns for some good food and browsing. I enjoyed visiting the Photography West Gallery in Carmel and viewed work by Christopher Burkett. I'm always amazed at the high level of work being produced by some artists. Our other great discovery was a small hole in the wall restaurant called Dumpling Empire right near the San Francisco Airport. It's a 5 minute drive from the Best Western. Dumplings almost as good as my mom's.
Kelp - Pt. Lobos State Park
This year I feel that my interests are geared more towards local/regional subjects. Maybe that's why the karma wasn't right this year on the West Coast. I'm glad to be back home in familiar territory.