I’m very pleased to be working with Suzanne Pickett of the Historic Eastside Cultural Center on documenting the historic structures in the Eastside neighborhood that are in danger of demolition. This area is one of several in Jacksonville that have suffered from the effects of redlining and other racist public policies regarding housing and equal opportunity lending. The Center is having a grand opening with an art exhibit of which I am participating. I prepared three pieces that contain an obvious photo edit, which is totally new for me, but allowed me to evoke a question from the viewers.
This show and my pieces were moved to the St. Johns Cathedral gallery and is viewable there until September 12, 2022. I also prepared additional streetscapes that are part of my Redline Series.
Streetscape - E 5th St between Florida Ave and Van Buren St
Streetscape - Van Buren St between 5th and 4th